Praktik pembuatan software berbasis web menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java yang dikombinasikan dengan framework Spring Boot. Dilengkapi dengan pembahasan studi kasus terkait penerapan konsep pemrograman berbasis objek, pembuatan pernyataan spring boot basics, pembuatan user interface menggunakan konsep microservices, dan penggunaan spring JDBC untuk mengkoneksikan software dengan database.
1. Introduction to Spring Framework
1.1 Introduction Spring Framework
1.2 Spring Configuration Styles
1.3 Developing a Web Application Using SpringMVC and JPA
2. Introduction to Spring Boot
2.1 Introduction to Spring Boot
2.2 First Spring Boot Application
2.3 The Application Entry Point Class
2.4 Fat JAR Using the Spring Boot Maven Plugin
2.5 Spring Boot Using Gradle
3. Spring Boot Essentials
3.1 Logging
3.2 Externalizing Configuration Properties
3.3 Developer Tools
4.Web Applications with Spring Boot
4.1 Introducing Spring MVC
4.2 Developing Web Application Using Spring Boot
4.3 Using the Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow Embedded Servlet Containers
4.4 Customizing Embedded Servlet Containers
4.5 Customizing Spring MVC Configuration
4.6 Spring Boot Web Application as a Deployable WAR
4.7 File UploadingUsing ResourceBundles for Internationalization
4.8 ResourceBundles for Hibernate Validation Errors
4.9 Error Handling
5. Working with JDBC
5.1 Introduction to JDBC Template
5.2 Using JDBC Template without Spring Boot
5.3 Using JDBC Template with Spring Boot
5.4 Using Spring Data JDBC
5.5 Database Migration with Flyway
6. Working with MyBatis
6.1 Using the Spring Boot MyBatis Starter
7. Working with JPA
7.1 Introducing the Spring Data JPA
7.2 Using Spring Data JPA with Spring Boot
8. Working with MongoDB
8.1 Introducing MongoDB
8.2 Installing MongoDB
8.3 Getting Started with MongoDB Using the Mongo Shell
8.4 Introducing Spring Data MongoDB
8.5 Using Embedded Mongo for Testing
9. Building REST APIs Using Spring Boot
9.1 Introduction to RESTful Web Services
9.2 REST API Using SpringMVC
9.3 REST API Using spring Data REST
10. Reactive Programming Using Spring WebFIux
10.1 Introduction to Reactive Programming
10.2 Reactive Web Applications Using Spring WebFlux
11. Securing Web Applications
11.1 Spring Security in Spring Boot Web Application
11.2 Cross-Site Request Forgery Protection
11.3 Method-Level Security
11.4 Securing spring Boot REST APIs using OAuth2
12. Testing Spring Boot Applications
12.1 Testing Spring Boot Applications
12.2 Testing with Mock Implementations
12.3 Testing Slices of Application Using Test Annotations
13. GraphQL with Spring Boot
13.1 Introduction to GraphQL
13.2 Working with GraphQL and Spring Boot
13.3 Testing Support in Spring for GraphQL
14. Deploying Spring Boot Applications with DevOps
14.1 Running Spring Boot Applications in Production Mode
14.2 Deploying Spring Boot Application on Heroku
14.3 Running a Spring Boot Application on Docker DevOps
15. Spring Boot Autoconfiguration
15.1 Exploring the Power of @Conditional
15.2 Spring Boot’s Built-ln @Conditional Annotations
15.3 How Spring Boot Autoconfiguration Works
Course Features
- Lectures 17
- Quizzes 2
- Duration 32 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 43
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes
- Start Date 9 Desember 2023 PT Bank KEB Hana Indonesia
- End Date 9 Desember 2023
- Cost
- Registered 19 Person
- Confirmed 19 Person Daftar