
Private Training React JS Advanced Fundamentals – Kementerian Sosial RI


Mulai:19 Agustus 2024
Selesai:23 Agustus 2024
Hari:Senin – Jumat
Pukul:09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Durasi:32 Hours
Min. Peserta:6 Peserta
Confirm:10 Peserta
Terdaftar:10 Peserta


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Praktik pengembangan aplikasi web menggunakan framework React JS. Dilengkapi dengan pembahasan studi kasus terkait penerapan konsep component-based architecture, pembuatan state management, penerapan React hooks & advanced patterns untuk membantu pengembangan fitur interaktif di React JS


1. Introduction
1.1 Setting the Stage for Advanced React Development

2. Advanced React Patterns
2.1 Higher-Order Components (HOCs)
2.2 Render Props
2.3 Custom Hooks

3. Advanced Routing and Navigation
3.1 Nested Routing Patterns
3.2 Authentication Flows

4. Advanced State Management
4.1 React’s Built-in Context API
4.2 Data Fetching with GraphQL and Apollo Client

5. React and TypeScript Integration
5.1 Introduction to TypeScript
5.2 Migrating Existing Projects to TypeScript

6. Performance Optimization in Depth
6.1 Profiling and Optimization Tools
6.2 Using React.memo and useMemo
6.3 Advanced use of React’s PureComponent

7. Advanced Styling and CSS-in-JS
7.1 Styled-components and Emotion
7.2 Tailwind CSS Integration
7.3 Theming and Design Systems

8. Serverless and JAMstack with React
8.1 Introduction to Serverless Architecture
8.2 Building JAMstack Apps with React
8.3 Serverless Functions and API Integrations

9. Microfrontends with React
9.1 Breaking Down Large Applications
9.2 Microfrontend Architectures
9.3 Cross-communication Between Microfrontends

10. Advanced Deployment and CI/CD
10.1 CI/CD Pipelines for React
10.2 Continuous Deployment Strategies
10.3 Canary Releases and Feature Flags

11. Advanced Error Handling and Monitoring
11.1 Error Boundaries and Global Error Handling
11.2 Monitoring and Performance Tracking
11.3 Implementing Feature Flags for Gradual Rollouts

12. Advanced React Debugging Techniques
12.1 Advanced Debugging Tools and Techniques
12.2 Debugging Performance Issues
12.3 Solving Complex Bugs in React Applications

13. Architectural Patterns and Best Practices
13.1 Scalable Project Structures
13.2 Choosing the Right State Management for your Project