
Private Training PHP Laravel Advanced – Universitas Negeri Semarang

Laravel merupakan sebuah framework yang dinamis dan modern untuk pengembangan aplikasi web. Laravel menggunakan konsep Model-View-Controller (MVC). Framework Laravel banyak digunakan karena sifatnya yang Open-Source, reliable, menyediakan Fitur dan Library yang lengkap. Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari konsep dan pemahaman dasar untuk mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis web dengan bahasa PHP dan framework Laravel.
Training ini akan membahas mengenai konsep OOP pada PHP, dan bagaimana menggunakan framework laravel untuk membangun web application. Selain itu peserta akan diarahkan membuat aplikasi sederhana dengan harapan memberikan gambaran nyata bagaimana mengembangkan atau membuat aplikasi menggunakan framework laravel.

Mampu menguasai materi yang terdapat di silabus training
Mampu mengatasi permasalahan dalam proses pemrograman web laravel
Memahami dasar-dasar pemrograman web laravel
Menguasai dan memahami bahasa pemrograman PHP
Peserta dapat membuat project website sendiri secara mandiri


1. Designing Done Right with phpspec
1.1. A new era
1.2. Installing and confguring Laravel
1.3. TDD done right
1.4. phpspec
1.5. Entity creation
1.6. The MyCompany database schema
1.7. Designing with phpspec
1.8. Specifying with phpspec
1.9. Controllers

2. Automating Tests – Migrating and Seeding Your Database
2.1. Using Laravel’s migration feature
2.2. From schema to migration
2.3. Migration anatomy
2.4. Creating seeds
2.5. Database testing with PHPUnit
2.6. Functional testing with Behat

3. Building Services, Commands, and Events
3.1. Request routing

4. Creating RESTful APIs
4.1. RESTful APIs in Laravel
4.2. Essential CRUD
4.3. Bonus features
4.4. Controller creation
4.5. CRUD(L) by example
4.6. Model binding
4.7. Moving beyond CRUD
4.8. Nested controllers
4.9. Eloquent model casting
4.10. Route caching

5. Using the Form Builder
5.1. History
5.2. Installing the HTML package
5.3. Building web pages with Laravel
5.4. Our example

6. Taming Complexity with Annotations
6.1. Annotations in other programming languages
6.2. DocBlock annotations
6.3. Resource controller using DocBlock annotations
6.4. Single method routing
6.5. Scanning routes
6.6. Automatic scanning
6.7. Additional annotations
6.8. Using annotations in Laravel

7. Filtering Requests with Middleware
7.1. The HTTP kernel
7.2. The basic middleware structure
7.3. Route middleware unravelled
7.4. Using middleware
7.5. Middleware exclusion and inclusion

8. Querying the Database with the Eloquent ORM
8.1. Basic operations
8.2. Eloquent relations
8.3. Polymorphic relations

9. Scaling Laravel
9.1. Scalability issues
9.2. Towards the enterprise
9.3. Route caching
9.4. Creating a master/slave database confguration

10. Building, Compiling, and Testing with Elixir
10.1. Automating Laravel
10.2. Towards automation
10.3. From Gulp to Elixir
10.4. Getting started
10.5. Running Elixir
10.6. Setting up notifcations
10.7. Combining CSS and JavaScript fles with Elixir
10.8. Compiling with Laravel Elixir
10.9. Running tests with Elixir
10.10. Setting up a fle watcher
10.11. Additional Laravel Elixir tasks