
Private Training: Microsoft Excel Advanced – Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan


Mulai:16 Juli ’24
Selesai:19 Juli ’24
Hari:Selasa – Jumat
Pukul:09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Durasi:16 Hours
Min. Peserta:3 Peserta
Confirm:– Peserta
Terdaftar:3 Peserta


  1. Mampu menggunakan Power Pivot untuk membuat mekanisme pelaporan
  2. Melakukan automasi integrasi data dengan Power Query
  3. Membuat visualisasi dan dashboard dengan Power View
  4. Mempublikasikan dashboard ke web


Microsoft Excel 2019


1. Structured Range of Data

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Name a Range of Cells
1.3. Filtering Data
1.4. Advanced Functions
1. 5. Ensuring Data’s Integrity
1.6. Data Combination

2. Data Analysis

2.1. Quick Analysis Tools
2.2. Whatif Analysis
2.3. Forecasting & Trandline
2.4. Conditional Formating

3. Data Visualization with PivotTable & PowerMap

3.1. Database Concepts
3.2. Introducing the PivotTable
3.3. Customizing PivotTable
3.4. PivotChart and Slicers
3.5. Adding Location Intelligence with Power Map

4. Data Preparation

4.1. Understanding the Internal Data Model
4.2. Introduction to a Power Pivot
4.3. Loading External Data into Power Pivot
4.4. Creating a PivotTable from Power Pivot Data
4.5. Automating Tasks with Macros
4.6. Transform Data with Power Query
4.7. Improving Calculation Performance

5. Manage Worksheets and Workbooks

5.1. Import Data into Workbooks
5.2. Navigate Within Workbooks
5.3. Format Worksheets and Workbooks
5.4. Customize Options and Views
5.5. Configure Content for Collaboration

6. Manage Data Cells and Ranges

6.1. Manipulate Data in Worksheets
6.2. Format Cells and Ranges
6.3. Define and Reference Named Ranges
6.4. Summarize Data Visually

7. Data Visualization for Certification

7.1. Create and Format Tables
7.2. Modify Tables
7.3. Filter and Sort Table Data

       8. Perform Operations by Using Formulas and Functions
8.1. Insert References in Formulas
8.2. Calculate and Transform Data by Using Functions
8.3. Format and modify text by using functions

9. Manage Charts
9.1. Create Charts
9.2. Modify Charts
9.3. Format Charts