
InHouse Training Blockchain for Education – Universitas Terbuka


Mulai:10 September 2024
Selesai:12 September 2024
Hari:Selasa – Kamis
Pukul:09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Durasi:24 Hours
Tempat:Universitas Terbuka
Min. Peserta:6 Peserta
Confirm:25 Peserta
Terdaftar:25 Peserta


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1. Introduction to Blockchain Technology in Education
1.1 Introduction to Blockchain Technology
1.2 Overview of Education Systems and Challenges
1.3 Blockchain Applications in Education

2. Utilizing Blockchain for a Decentralized Database of Educational Credentials
2.1 Introduction to Decentralized Databases and Blockchain Technology
2.2 Challenges in the Current Credential Verification Process
2.3 How Blockchain Addresses Credential Verification Challenges
2.4 Designing a Decentralized Database of Educational Credentials
2.5 Implementing the Verification Process
2.6 Benefits for Employers and Educational Institutions
2.7 Privacy and Data Protection Considerations
2.8 Adoption Challenges and Future Considerations

3. Decentralized Marketplace for Educational Resources
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Understanding Decentralization and Blockchain
3.3 Challenges in Traditional Educational Resource Distribution
3.4 The Concept of a Decentralized Marketplace for Educational Resources
3.5 Blockchain Applications in Education
3.6 Technical Infrastructure of the Decentralized Marketplace
3.7 Governance and Community in the Decentralized Marketplace
3.8 Content Creation and Curation on the Marketplace
3.9 Ensuring Fairness and Inclusivity
3.10 Adoption and Integration with Existing Educational Systems
3.11 Future Possibilities and Potential Challenges

4. Digital Identity System for Students
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Understanding Digital Identity and Blockchain Technology
4.3 The Need for a Secure and Accessible Digital Identity System in Education
4.4 Designing the Digital Identity System
4.5 Leveraging Blockchain for Identity Verification
4.6 Technical Architecture of the Digital Identity System
4.7 Building Student Profiles and Credentials
4.8 Ensuring Privacy and Data Protection
4.9 Adoption Challenges and Strategies
4.10 The Role of Educational Institutions in the Identity System
4.11 Exploring the Future Potential of Digital Student Identities

5. Cross-Border Credit Transfer: Unlocking Educational Opportunities with Blockchain
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Understanding Cross-Border Credit Transfer
5.3 The Current State of Credit Transfer Systems
5.4 Blockchain Technology for Cross-Border Credit Transfer
5.5 Technical Infrastructure for Cross-Border Credit Transfer
5.6 The Legal and Regulatory Landscape
5.7 Implementing Cross-Border Credit Transfer Solutions
5.8 Building a Global Credit Transfer Ecosystem
5.9 Ensuring Security and Trust in Credit Transfer
5.10 Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles
5.11 Future Prospects for Cross-Border Credit Transfer

6. Blockchain-Based E-Learning Platform: Transforming Education Through Decentralization
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Understanding Blockchain-Powered E-Learning
6.3 The Current State of E-Learning Platforms
6.4 Blockchain’s Role in E-Learning Transformation
6.5 Technical Architecture of the Blockchain-Based E-Learning Platform
6.6 Enabling Seamless Resource Sharing and Peer-to-Peer Learning
6.7 Content Ownership, Copyright, and Licensing
6.8 Ensuring Quality and Validating Learning Achievements
6.9 Embracing Inclusivity and Accessibility
6.10 Adoption Strategies and User Engagement
6.11 Case Studies of Successful Implementations
6.12 Future Directions for Blockchain in E-Learning

7. Blockchain-Based Certification System: Ensuring Trust in Educational Credentials
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Understanding the Credentialing Landscape
7.3 Blockchain Technology in Certification
7.4 Designing the Blockchain-Based Certification System
7.5 Technical Implementation of the Certification System
7.6 Authenticating Educational Credentials on the Blockchain
7.7 Ensuring Data Security and Privacy
7.8 Collaborating with Educational Institutions and Employers
7.9 Overcoming Adoption Challenges
7.10 Legal and Regulatory Considerations
7.11 Case Studies of Successful Implementations
7.12 Future Horizons for Blockchain Credentialing

8. Secure and Transparent Educational Data Record-Keeping with Blockchain
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Understanding the Need for Transparent Data Management
8.3 Blockchain Technology in Educational Data Record-Keeping
8.4 Designing the Blockchain-Powered Data Record System
8.5 Technical Architecture for Secure Data Storage
8.6 Recording and Verifying Educational Data on the Blockchain
8.7 Ensuring Data Integrity and Security
8.8 Collaborating with Educational Institutions
8.9 Overcoming Adoption Challenges
8.10 Legal and Regulatory Considerations
8.11 Case Studies of Successful Implementations
8.12 Future Prospects for Transparent Educational Data Management

9. Blockchain-Based Online Learning: Empowering Education Through Decentralization
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Evolution of Online Learning Platforms
9.3 Understanding Blockchain in Education
9.4 Designing Decentralized Online Learning Platforms
9.5 Technical Architecture of Blockchain-Based Learning Platforms
9.6 Decentralizing Content Delivery and Accessibility
9.7 Ensuring Data Security and Privacy
9.8 Collaboration and Engagement in Decentralized Learning
9.9 Overcoming Adoption Barriers and Promoting Trust
9.10 Legal and Regulatory Considerations
9.11 Case Studies of Decentralized Learning Platforms
9.12 Exploring Future Directions for Decentralized Learning

10. Future of Blockchain in Education: Envisioning Transformation and Innovation
10.1 Introduction: Envisioning the Future of Blockchain in Education
10.2 The Foundation: Understanding Blockchain in Education
10.3 Beyond Records: Blockchain and Digital Credentials
10.4 Personalized Learning in a Decentralized Future
10.5 Micro-credentials and Continuous Skill Development
10.6 From Access to Ownership: Empowering Learners
10.7 Data-Driven Insights and Learning Analytics
10.8 Expanding Global Accessibility and Inclusion
10.9 Collaborative Knowledge Creation and Research
10.10 Challenges and Roadblocks on the Path Forward
10.11 Navigating Ethical and Social Implications
10.12 The Catalyst: Blockchain’s Role in Educational Transformation