
Private Offline Professional Training Data Analytics Power BI Fundamentals – PT Kilang Pertamina


Mulai:22 Mei’23
Selesai:24 Mei’23
Hari:Selasa – Kamis
Pukul:09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Durasi:24 Hours
Biaya:Rp –
Min. Peserta:6
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Terdaftar:– Peserta

Pengolahan data menjadi informasi dan dashboard interaktif menggunakan tools Power BI. Dimulai dari analisis tujuan, penyiapan data, penyajian dan publikasi dashboard





1. Intro to Power BI

1.1 What Is Power BI?
1.2 How Did We Get to Power BI?
1.3 Power BI Desktop Under the Hood
1.4 What Makes Power BI Different from Its Competitors?

2. The Report and Data Views

2.1 Report View: Home Section of the Ribbon
2.2 Report View: The Insert Tab
2.3 Report View: The Modeling Tab
2.4 Report View: The View Tab
2.5 Report View: Help Section
2.6 Report View: External Tools Section
2.7 The Pane Interface of the Report View
2.8 Data View

3. Importing and Modeling Our Data

3.1 Getting Our Data
3.2 The Power Query Ribbon
3.3 The Model View

4. Let’s Make Some Pictures (Visualizing Data 101)

4.1 Why Visualize Data?
4.2 The Visualizations Pane
4.3 Visual Interactivity
4.4 Column and Bar Charts
4.5 Line and Area Charts
4.6 The “Flat” Visuals

5. Aggregations, Measures, and DAX

5.1 A Primer on the DAX Language
5.2 Aggregations, More Than Some Sums
5.3 Measures and DAX Fundamentals

6 Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together: From Raw Data to Report

6.1 Your First Data Import
6.2 Second Data Import and Wrangling
6.3 Building Relationships
6.4 Let’s Get Reporting!

7. Advanced Reporting Topics in Power BI

7.1 AI-Powered Visuals
7.2 What-If Analysis
7.3 R and Python Integration

8. Introduction to the Power BI Service

8.1 The Basics of the Service: What You Need to Know
8.2 The Navigation Menu
8.3 Publishing Your Work
8.4 Putting Your Data in Front of Others

9. Licensing and Deployment Tips

9.1 Licensing
9.2 Workspace and App Management

10. Third-Party Tools

10.1 Get to Know Business Ops
10.2 DAX Studio
10.3 Tabular Editor
10.4 The ALM Toolkit for Power BI
10.5 Bravo

11. Appendix A. Commonly Used DAX Expressions

11.1 Aggregation Functions
11.2 Date and Time Functions
11.3 Time Intelligence Functions
11.4 Filter Functions
11.5 Logical Functions
11.6 DAX Operators

12. Appendix B. Some FavoriteCustom Visuals

12.1 Adding Custom Visuals to Power BI Desktop
12.2 Ten of My Favorite Custom Visuals
12.3 Charticulator