Windows Server Fundamentals dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang administrasi dan manajemen Windows Server 2022 bagi profesional IT yang ingin mengembangkan keterampilan dalam pengelolaan infrastruktur berbasis Windows. Peserta akan memulai dengan dasar-dasar jaringan komputer, arsitektur jaringan, serta konsep IP addressing dan subnetting. Selanjutnya, mereka akan diperkenalkan pada Windows Server 2022, termasuk fitur baru yang ditawarkan serta berbagai metode instalasi yang dapat digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi. Dengan pemahaman ini, peserta akan dapat mengonfigurasi server secara efisien dan memastikan implementasi yang sesuai dengan standar industri.
Pelatihan ini juga mencakup berbagai aspek penting dalam administrasi Windows Server, termasuk Active Directory, Domain Name System (DNS), Organizational Units (OUs), serta manajemen akun pengguna dan grup. Selain itu, peserta akan belajar tentang peran server dan layanan seperti Remote Access, File & Print Services, Web Services (IIS), serta pengelolaan izin pengguna menggunakan NTFS dan share permissions. Materi tentang Group Policy (GPO) juga akan dibahas untuk memberikan kontrol lebih lanjut terhadap konfigurasi dan kebijakan sistem. Tidak hanya itu, peserta akan diperkenalkan pada teknologi virtualisasi dengan Hyper-V Manager, serta konsep penyimpanan seperti RAID, disk management, dan deduplication dalam Windows Server 2022.
Bagian akhir pelatihan akan berfokus pada pemantauan, troubleshooting, dan persiapan sertifikasi Microsoft. Peserta akan belajar bagaimana mengelola performa server melalui monitoring, log management, dan alert system, serta memahami proses pembaruan dan pemecahan masalah umum yang terjadi di Windows Server. Selain itu, pelatihan ini akan memberikan panduan bagi peserta yang ingin mendapatkan sertifikasi Microsoft, termasuk bagaimana mempersiapkan diri, format ujian, serta prosedur pendaftaran dan perpanjangan sertifikasi. Dengan mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta akan memiliki keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk mengelola Windows Server secara efektif dalam lingkungan enterprise serta meningkatkan peluang mereka dalam karir IT.
1. Memahami Dasar-Dasar Jaringan dan Windows Server 2022
2. Mengelola Infrastruktur Windows Server
3. Menerapkan Kebijakan dan Keamanan Sistem
4. Mengelola Virtualisasi dan Penyimpanan Data
5. Melakukan Pemantauan, Troubleshooting, dan Update Sistem
1. Administrator
2. Cloud Engineer
3. Cybersecurity
4. IT Manager
1. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
2. Systems Analysis and Design (SAD)
- Getting Started with Windows Server1.1 Technical requirements
1.2 Getting to know computer networks
1.3 Exploring computer network components
1.4 Investigating computer network architectures
1.5 Getting to know IP addressing and subnetting
1.6 Exploring servers
1.7 Understanding a NOS
1.8 Understanding Windows Server
1.9 Chapter exercise – downloading Windows Server 2022 - Introducing Windows Server 20222.1 Technical requirements
2.2 An overview of Windows Server 2022
2.3 What’s new in Windows Server 2022?
2.4 Chapter exercise – downloading Windows Admin Center - Installing Windows Server 20223.1 Technical requirements
3.2 Understanding the installation of Windows Server 2022
3.3 Various Windows Server 2022 installation methods
3.4 Chapter exercise – setting up WDS - Post-Installation Tasks in Windows Server 20224.1 Technical requirements
4.2 Understanding devices and device drivers
4.3 Understanding the Windows Registry and its services
4.4 Understanding Windows Server initial configuration
4.5 Chapter exercise – performing an initial Windows Server configuration - Directory Services in Windows Server 20225.1 Technical requirements
5.2 Understanding the Active Directory infrastructure
5.3 Understanding DNS
5.4 Understanding OUs and containers
5.5 Understanding accounts and groups - Adding Roles to Windows Server 20226.1 Technical requirements
6.2 Understanding server roles and features
6.3 Understanding application servers
6.4 Understanding web services
6.5 Understanding Remote Access
6.6 Understanding file and print services
6.7 Understanding user rights, NTFS permissions, and share permissions
6.7 Chapter exercise – installing the Web Server (IIS) and PDS roles - Group Policy in Windows Server 20227.1 Technical requirements
7.2 Understanding GP
7.3 Types of GP editors
7.4 Chapter exercise – examples of GPOs for system administrators - Virtualization with Windows Server 2022
8.1 Technical requirements
8.2 Understanding server virtualization
8.3 Getting to know Hyper-V Manager
8.4 Chapter exercise – installing Hyper-V on Windows Server 2022 - Storing Data in Windows Server 20229.1 Technical requirements
9.2 Understanding storage technologies
9.3 Understanding RAID
9.4 Understanding disks
9.5 Chapter exercise – enabling Dedup on Windows Server 2022 - Tuning and Maintaining Windows Server 202210.1 Technical requirements
10.2 Understanding server hardware components
10.3 Understanding performance monitoring
10.4 Understanding logs and alerts
10.5 Chapter exercise – working with the Performance Logs & Alerts service - Updating and Troubleshooting Windows Server 202211.1 Technical requirements
11.2 Understanding updates
11.3 Understanding the troubleshooting methodology
11.4 Understanding the startup process
11.5 Understanding business continuity
11.6 Chapter exercise – using Event Viewer to monitor and manage logs - Preparing for Microsoft Certifications12.1 What is Microsoft Certification?
12.2 What is Microsoft role-based certification?
12.3 Who should take a Microsoft Certification exam?
12.4 Which skills are measured by Microsoft Certification exams?
12.5 What should you expect in a Microsoft Certification exam?
12.6 How should you prepare for a Microsoft Certification exam?
12.7 How do you register for a Microsoft Certification exam?
12.8 On the day of the Microsoft Certification exam
12.9 New Microsoft Certification validity period and renewal format
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 4 days
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes