
InHouse Training Moodle Advanced-Universitas Siliwangi

Mulai:8 Sep’23
Selesai:11 Sep’23
Hari:Jumat – Senin
Pukul:09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Durasi:32 Hours
Tempat:Uniersitas Siliwangi
Min. Peserta:6 Peserta
Confirm:20 Peserta
Terdaftar:20 Peserta


Praktik pengelolaan eLearning dengan Moodle. Pembahasan dan praktik meliputi pengantar eLearning, pengantar Moodle, pengelolaan materi pembelajaran dengan fitur tingkat lanjut Moodle.


1. Getting Started with Moodle .
1.1 Discovering Moodle and What You Can Do
1.2 Meeting Moodle
1.3 Understanding Moodle Basics
1.4 Clarifying Moodle and CMS, LMS, VLE, and LCMS
1.5 Keeping Moodle Versions Straight
1.6 Determining Where to Host Moodle

2. Designing Great Moodle Courses
2.1 The Philosophy and Evolution of Moodle
2.3 Discovering How Moodle Can Support Instructional
2.4 Understanding Our Learners and Generational Differences
2.5 Course-Building Checklist
2.6 Busting Moodle Myths

3. Building Your Course Front Page.
3.1 Understanding Front Page Basics
3.2 Editing Fundamentals
3.3 Viewing and Updating Participants’ Profi les
3.4 Course Blocks
3.5 Resources and Activities
3.6 Understanding and Implementing Moodle Conventions

4.Creating Your Course
4.1 Exploring the Front Page Settings and Enrollment Options
4.2 Adding Learners to Your Course
4.3 Implementing Moodle Roles and Course Permissions
4.4 Managing Activities and Projects with Groups
4.5 Letting Everyone Know about Your Course
4.6 Charging for Your Course

5. Adding Content to Your Course: Resources
5.1 Adding Resources to Your Course
5.2 Using the Moodle Web Editor

6. Adding Audio and Video to Your Course by
Using Free Software
6.1 Using Moodle Multimedia Plugins
6.2 Creating and Uploading Instructional Videos
6.3 Incorporating Sound fi les into Your Moodle Course
6.4 Incorporating Podcasts into Your Moodle Course
6.5 Adding Real-Time Instructions (Video Conferencing) to Your Moodle Course

7. Grading Learners’ Progress and Knowledge
7.1 Exploring the Grader Report Pages in Moodle
7.2 Creating Moodle Scales
7.3 Adding Choice to Your Course
7.4 Using Moodle Surveys

8. Adding Communication Modules
8.1 Adding Forums to Your Course
8.2 Managing and Administering Forums
8.3 Adding a Chat to Your Course
8.4 Using Moodle Messaging
8.5 Adding Notes about Your Learners
8.6 Adding Moodle Blogs to Your Course

9. Adding Collaborative Modules
9.1 Adding Wikis to Your Course
9.2 Managing and Administering Wikis
9.3 Adding a Glossary to Your Course
9.4 Managing and Administering Glossaries
9.5 Adding Lessons to Your Course
9.6 Managing and Administering Lessons

10. Creating Assignments
10.1 Effective Ways to Use Assignments
10.2 Creating Assignments
10.3 Administering Assignment Submissions

11. Quizzing and Testing in Moodle
11.1 Looking at the Testing Features
11.2 Creating a Quiz Body
11.3 Creating Quiz Questions
11.4 Setting Up Various Types of Questions
11.5 Viewing, Editing, and Adding Questions to Quizzes
11.6 Managing Quizzes and Data

12. Using Databases to Share Resources and
Adding the Latest News via RSS
12.1 Harnessing the Power of Databases
12.2 Adding a Database to Your Course
12.3 Viewing Your Database — What You and Your Learners Will See
12.4 Managing Your Database
12.5 Adding RSS to Your Course

13. Administering Moodle Courses
13.1 notifications
13.2 users
13.3 courses
13.4 grades
13.5 location
13.6 language
13.7 modules
13.8 security
13.9 Appearance
13.10 Front Page
13.11 Server
13.12 networking
13.13 reports
13.14 miscellaneous
13.15 finding support

14. Managing Course Data, Reports, Logs, and Statistics
14.1 Managing Your Course Data and Staying Up-to-Date
14.2 Organizing Your Data
14.3 Backing Up Your Course and Data
14.4 Saving Time by Reusing Your Course

15. Ten Questions to Ask before Building and
Launching Your Course
15.1 Who Do I Contact If I Have Problems with the Site?
15.2 What Type of Course Am I Offering?
15.3 What Are My Learning Goals and Objectives?
15.4 Did I Brainstorm and Organize My Course Structure?
15.5 How Will I Communicate with My Learners?
15.6 How Will I Assess My Learners?
15.7 Am I Comfortable Using Moodle?
15.8 Is My Course Ready to Go Live?

16. Ten Creative Ways to Keep Your Learners
Involved in Your Cours
16.1 Communicate with Your Learners
16.2 Use Forums for Discussions and Other Class-Related Activities
16.3 Give Feedback
16.4 Assign Responsibility to Learners
16.5 Set Up Project Learner Groups
16.6 Invite Guests to Participate in the Course
16.7 Reward Your Learners For Contributions
16.8 Create Practice Tests
16.9 Dig In to the Delightful Database
16.10 Create a Competition