
Private Offline Training ASP.NET Core Angular Fundamentals – Direktorat Jenderal Pajak


Mulai:19 Jun ’23
Selesai:23 Jun ’23
Hari:Senin – Jumat
Pukul:10.00 – 16.00 WIB
Durasi:32 Hours
Tempat:PT Brainmatics


1 Introduction ASP.Net and Angular

1.1 Introduction to TypeScript
1.2 Environment Setup
1.3 Getting Started
1.4 The ASP.NET Core revolution
1.5 What’s New in Angular?
1.6 Reasons For Choosing .NET and Angular

2 Components in Angular

2.1 Modules
2.2 Components
2.3 Templates
2.4 Custom Directives
2.5 Services
2.6 Dependency Injection
2.7 Lifecycle Hooks
2.8 Change Detection

3 Routing and Forms

3.1 Routing
3.2 Advanced Routing
3.3 Template-driven Forms
3.4 Asynchronous Operations
3.5 Advanced HTTP
3.6 Component Styling

4 Services and Back-End

4.1 Introduction Services & Backend ASP Net Core Angular

5 Security and Deployment

5.1 Security
5.2 Internationalization
5.3 Performance
5.4 Optimization & Deployment

6 ASP.Net and Angular Front-Back End

6.1 The ASP.NET Back-End
6.2 The Angular Front-End

7 Front-End and Back-End Interactions

7.1 Health Checks in Angular
7.2 Restyling The UI

8 Data Model with Entity Framework Core

8.1 The WorldCities Web App
8.2 The Data Source
8.3 The Data Model
8.4 Creating The Entities
8.5 Getting a SQL Server Instance
8.6 Creating The Database Using Code-First
8.7 Populating The Database
8.8 Entity Controllers

9 Fetching and Displaying Data

9.1 Fetching Data
9.2 Serving Data with Angular Material
9.3 Adding Countries to The Loop

10 Forms and Data Validation

10.1 Exploring Angular Forms
10.2 Building our First Reactive Form
10.3 Adding a New City
10.4 Understanding Data Validation
10.5 Introducing The Form Builder
10.6 Improving The Filter Behavior

11 Code Tweaks and Data Services

11.1 Optimizations and Tweaks
11.2 Bug Fixes and Improvements
11.3 Data Services

12 Back-End and Front-End Debugging

12.1 Back-End Debugging
12.2 Front-End Debugging
12.3 Application Logging

13 ASP.NET Core and Angular Unit Testing

13.1 ASP.NET Core Unit Tests
13.2 Angular Unit Tests

14 Authentication and Authorization

14.1 To Auth, or Not to Auth
14.2 Proprietary Auth with .NET Core
14.3Updating The Database
14.4 Implementing Authentication in Angular

15 Progressive Web Apps

15.1 PWA Distinctive Features
15.2 Implementing The PWA Requirements
15.3 Handling The Offline Status
15.4 Testing The PWA Capabilities

16 REST – Web API with GraphQL

16.1 GraphQL versus REST
16.2 Implementing GraphQL