Section I: Building a Foundation
1. Introduction
1.1. What is this book?
1.2. Why is app architecture important?
1.3. Introducing the sample project
1.4. WeWatch sample app walkthrough
1.5. Where to go from here?
2. Model View Controller
2.1.The Model-View-Controller pattern
2.2.Applying MVC to Android
2.3.WeWatch MVC code
3. Testing MVC
3.1. Android Testing
3.2. Focusing on unit tests
3.3. Unit testing the Movie class
3.4. Unit testing an Android Activity
3.5. Why MVC makes unit testing hard
4. Android Architecture Components
4.1. Using the Android Architecture Components
4.1. Advanced Android App Architectures
5. Dependency Injection
5.1. What is a dependency?
5.2. Why dependencies can be problematic
5.3. Injecting dependencies
5.4. Dependency injection frameworks
6. RxJava
6.1. What is the Observer pattern?
6.2. Getting to know RxJava
6.3. Observing events
6.4. Frequently Not Asked RxJava Questions
Section II: Fundamental UI Architectures
7. Model View Presenter Theory
7.1. The Model-View-Presenter pattern
7.2. MVP advantages and concerns
8. Model View Presenter Sample
8.1. Applying MVP to the Movies app
8.2. The Main screen
8.3. The Add Movie screen
8.4. The Search Movie screen
9. Testing MVP
9.1. Getting to know Mockito
9.2. Testing the MainPresenter
9.3. Testing the AddMoviePresenter
9.4. Testing the SearchPresenter
10. Model-View-ViewModel Theory
10.1. The Model-View-ViewModel pattern
10.2. MVVM by example
10.3. MVVM advantages and concerns
11. MVVM Sample with data binding
11.1. What is data binding?
11.2. Implementing data binding
12. MVVM Sample with Android
12.1. Architecture Components
12.2. Current architecture layers
12.3. Creating a movie repository
12.4. Creating ViewModels
12.5. Using LiveData with ViewModels
12.6. MVVM architecture
13. MVVM Testing
13.1. Creating unit tests
Section III: VIPER and MVI
14. VIPER Theory
14.1. What is VIPER?
14.2. VIPER Advantages and Concerns
14.3. Questions you didn’t think to ask
15. VIPER Sample
Implementing the Main Module
Implementing the AddMovie module
Implementing SearchMovie
16. Testing VIPER
Testing your Main presenter
Testing the AddMovie presenter
Testing SearchMovie Presenter
Chapter 17. MVI Theory
What is MVI?
MVI Advantages and Concerns
Frequently Not Asked MVI Questions
18. MVI Sample
Going Reactive
Creating Interactors and State
Creating the Presenters
Creating the Views
Final thoughts
19. MVI Debugging
Introducing Timber
Testing the MVI architecture
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 4 days
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes