C# adalah bahasa pemrograman yang populer dalam ekosistem .NET, digunakan untuk mengembangkan berbagai aplikasi web, desktop, dan cloud. Dengan kehadiran .NET 7, pengembang dapat memanfaatkan fitur terbaru untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan performa aplikasi mereka. Namun, memahami dasar-dasar C# dan .NET tetap menjadi tantangan, terutama dalam konsep Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Entity Framework Core, ASP.NET Core, dan Blazor.
Penggunaan .NET 7 memungkinkan peningkatan efisiensi dalam pengembangan aplikasi, terutama dengan fitur terbaru dalam Blazor dan ASP.NET Core (Brown, 2021; Freeman, 2022). Penerapan praktik Entity Framework Core dalam aplikasi bisnis dapat meningkatkan skalabilitas dan kinerja sistem berbasis data hingga 30% lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pendekatan manual (Smith et al., 2023).
Training C#.NET Fundamentals ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam mengenai pengembangan aplikasi dengan C# dan .NET. Peserta akan mempelajari sintaks dasar C#, pengelolaan aliran program, debugging, serta konsep pemrograman berbasis objek. Selain itu, peserta juga akan memahami cara membangun aplikasi berbasis web menggunakan ASP.NET Core, mengelola data dengan Entity Framework Core, dan mengembangkan antarmuka pengguna dengan Blazor. Dengan pendekatan berbasis praktik, peserta akan mendapatkan pengalaman langsung dalam membangun aplikasi yang modular, scalable, dan efisien menggunakan teknologi .NET modern.
1. Memahami dasar-dasar C# 11 dan .NET 7 serta arsitekturnya
2. Menerapkan Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) dalam pengembangan aplikasi
3. Menggunakan Entity Framework Core untuk mengelola database secara efisien
4. Mengoptimalkan manipulasi data dengan LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
5. Mengembangkan aplikasi web menggunakan ASP.NET Core dengan Razor Pages dan MVC
6. Membuat dan mengonsumsi RESTful Web Services dengan ASP.NET Core Web API
7. Membangun antarmuka pengguna dengan Blazor
8. Menerapkan konsep debugging dan testing dalam pengembangan aplikasi .NET
1. Software Engineer
2. Backend Developer
3. Web Developer
4. IT Professional
Tidak ada training khusus yang dipersyaratkan
1. C# 11 and .NET 7 – Modern Cross-Platform Development
1.1. Fundamentals, Seventh Edition: Start building websites and services
1.2. with ASP.NET Core 7, Blazor, and EF Core 7
2. Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET!
2.1. Setting up your development environment
2.2. Understanding .NET
2.3. Building console apps using Visual Studio 2022
2.4. Building console apps using Visual Studio Code
2.5. Exploring code using .NET Interactive Notebooks
2.6. Reviewing the folders and files for projects
2.7. Looking for help
3. Speaking C#
3.1. Introducing the C# language
3.2. Understanding C# grammar and vocabulary
3.3. Working with variables
3.4. Exploring more about console apps
3.5. Understanding async and await
4. Controlling Flow, Converting Types, and Handling Exceptions
4.1. Operating on variables
4.2. Understanding selection statements
4.3. Understanding iteration statements
4.4. Storing multiple values in an array
4.5. Casting and converting between types
4.6. Handling exceptions
4.7. Checking for overflow
5. Writing, Debugging, and Testing Functions
5.1. Join our book community on Discord
5.2. Writing functions
5.3. Debugging during development
5.4. Hot reloading during development
5.5. Logging during development and runtime
5.6. Unit testing
5.7. Throwing and catching exceptions in functions
5.8. Practicing and exploring
6. Building Your Own Types with Object-Oriented Programming
6.1. Talking about OOP
6.2. Building class libraries
6.3. Storing data within fields
6.4. Writing and calling methods
6.5. Splitting classes using partial
6.6. Controlling access with properties and indexers
6.7. More about methods
6.8. Pattern matching with objects
6.9. Working with records
7. Implementing Interfaces and Inheriting Classes
7.1. Setting up a class library and console application
7.2. Making types safely reusable with generics
7.3. Raising and handling events
7.4. Implementing interfaces
7.5. Managing memory with reference and value types
7.6. Working with null values
7.7. Inheriting from classes
7.8. Casting within inheritance hierarchies
7.9. Inheriting and extending .NET types
7.10. Using an analyzer to write better code
8. Packaging and Distributing .NET Types
8.1. The road to .NET 7
8.2. Understanding .NET components
8.3. Publishing your code for deployment
8.4. Decompiling .NET assemblies
8.5. Packaging your libraries for NuGet distribution
8.6. Porting from .NET Framework to modern .NET
9. Working with Common .NET Types
9.1. Working with numbers
9.2. Working with text
9.3. Pattern matching with regular expressions
9.4. Storing multiple objects in collections
9.5. Working with spans, indexes, and ranges
9.6. Working with network resources
10. Working with Files, Streams, and Serialization
10.1. Managing the filesystem
10.2. Reading and writing with streams
10.3. Encoding and decoding text
10.4. Serializing object graphs
11. Working with Data Using Entity Framework Core
11.1. Understanding modern databases
11.2. Setting up EF Core
11.3. Defining EF Core models
11.4. Querying EF Core models
11.5. Loading patterns with EF Core
11.6. Manipulating data with EF Core
11.7. Working with transactions
11.8. Code First EF Core models
12. Querying and Manipulating Data Using LINQ
12.1. Writing LINQ expressions
12.2. Using LINQ with EF Core
12.3 Sweetening LINQ syntax with syntactic sugar
12.4. Using multiple threads with parallel LINQ
12.5. Creating your own LINQ extension methods
12.6. Working with LINQ to XML
13. Introducing Web Development Using ASP.NET Core
13.1. Understanding ASP.NET Core
13.2. New features in ASP.NET Core
13.3. Structuring projects
13.4. Building an entity data model for the Northwind database
13.5. Understanding web development
14. Building Websites Using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
14.1. Exploring ASP.NET Core
14.2. Exploring ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
14.3. Using Entity Framework Core with ASP.NET Core
14.4. Using Razor class libraries
14.5. Configuring services and the HTTP request pipeline
14.6. Enabling HTTP/3 support
15. Building Websites Using the Model-View-Controller Pattern
15.1. Setting up an ASP.NET Core MVC website
15.2. Exploring an ASP.NET Core MVC website
15.3. Customizing an ASP.NET Core MVC website
15.4. Querying a database and using display templates
15.5. Improving scalability using asynchronous tasks
16. Building and Consuming Web Services
16.1. Building web services using ASP.NET Core Web API
16.2. Documenting and testing web services
16.3. Implementing advanced features for web services
16.4. Building web services using minimal APIs
17. Building User Interfaces Using Blazor
17.1. Understanding Blazor
17.2. Comparing Blazor project templates
17.3. Building components using Blazor Server
17.4. Building components using Blazor WebAssembly
17.5. Improving Blazor WebAssembly apps
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 4 days
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes